Kenny & I trekked across the creek on an Abra for about $.30 each. We of course were the only ones on there that had the cameras out, tourists!
Boats on top of boats line the creek walls with everything imaginable on them. The head into the Persian Gulf with goods for the neighboring countries.
There is a great mix of old & new here with all the added cultures blended together to make up the city.
This is a "souq".... market. They are spread out everywhere in the city. They even have ones that are specific for different things... spices, gold, fish, veggies & fruits. This one had a lot of tourist sort of goods and some great shoes. The vendors come out and ask you if you want anything. Don't forget to haggle. Very Life of Brian. I didn't see anyone selling fake facial hair to women though.
One of the abra docks.
The view down the creek.
This is the entrance to Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum's House
He is said to be the creator of the modern day Dubai. During his rule the wheels started to turn to create the Dubai of today.
They have recently renovated the building and made it into a museum of sorts to show off the heritage of the area.
All kinds of rooms, towers and tiny doors...
Wind towers, not sure how they work yet, but they do look like a good perch for the pet falcon.
How tall was the Sheikh? Was his other name Papa Smurf?
Nice view down the creek. When this house was inhabited only 50 or so years ago, there was nothing on this stretch of beach except a couple grass huts and a small fishing village. Sand, goats and camels would have been the sites back then. It's amazing what can happen to a place in 50 years.
This is the central courtyard. The entire house wraps around it.
A very tiny inhabitant of the Sheikh's house. He is the first lizard that I have seen here. I thought that there would be so many more but, I guess the traffic is too much for them too.
Next door to the Sheikh's house is the Heritage and Diving Village. Pearl diving was big business until a bigger one came around... oil. Now there are very few that use it as a business.
No idea what they catch in this as the sign was in arabic. This is Kenny's impersonation of how a fish would feel caught in it's snare.
Time for a stroll along the waterfront to catch some rays and an abra ride back to the car.