Kenny taking in the sites of the peninsula.

A wee little Accalia on the wall of the highway trying to get a better glance at the Arabic sea.

Not wanting his partner to feel left out and small he jumped up on the wall for support (and to sneak a peek at the Straight of Hormuz)

Windswept... the word of the day

The water was a beautiful color but the cloudy day hides that in the pictures... sorry!
I'll order better weather next time!
The road bent in and out of all these little coves.
There were small villages hidden in each of the coves.

We stopped to have a stroll around this very tiny little village. There were just a handful of stone houses and a few of these dhows for fishing. Culture shock from the big city of Dubai.

The coast was really beautiful but as the clouds came over and the wind picked up we saw a huge change.

This is the beach about 25 minutes later. The sea was angry that day!

We braved the elements armed with every piece of clothing available in the car and took a stroll on the beach. There were families enjoying picnics, kids playing on the playground equipment and us... freezing our hoo haas off!
Oliver and Accalia sharing body heat to stay warm.

She sells sea shells by the sea shore

Obi Wan "KEN"-obi
" These are not the droids you've been looking for"

We haven't been this cold since our visit to Canada!