Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Weekend's Adventure

Any chance we get we get out in the Land Cruiser that we have from "The Coast" and take a tour around.

Here are some of the sites that we have seen this last week...

This is a great shot of the Burj Al Arab from Jumeira Beach Road.

Next door to the Burj is Wild Wadi! This is the water park. Dubai's Wet & Wild. We will be making a trip there in the near future for sure!

This is the Jumeira Beach Resort
"the wave"

Jumeira Mosque. These buildings are absolutely beautiful. I am hoping to take a tour soon and see the inside of one.
Perhaps when there is no singing going on... it's a bit loud and I have no idea what they are saying.

Inside the Za'abeel Park is a maze. This is the "sun" in the center of the maze. There are many city parks and they are all really lovely. There is a small fee to get in... 2 Durhams each which equals out to about $.70 US a piece to spend the day inside and have a stroll around on the grass, perhaps play some cricket or soccer with friends, have a BBQ or a nap under a shady tree.

Please ignore the outfit I have on. I was going for the every color under the sun look that day!

Sitting in the park looking at the skyline at sunset was really nice.

We sat and watched these guys play some cricket. I am still a bit fuzzy about the rules but, when someone actually catches the ball, everyone cheers and the ball gets thrown in the air. That must mean something good has happened. What I am not sure. I'll have to get back to you on that one!

"Wish I was playing. I could show them the way Sammy Sosa would play this game!"

"Am I the only one with their shoulders showing? Am I the only one in a jean skirt? Am I the only one who knows nothing about fashion?" Yes, yes and yes!

Madinat Jumeira. I wish that I had some pictures to show you from the other side of this hotel and shopping mall. It has boats that take you from the Jumeira Beach Resort (the wave one), past the Burj to this one. It is a whole canal system that is set up to travel between the 3 resorts. There is all kinds of shopping, restaurants and bars inside. One that we went to is called the "Noodle House". Very Yummy.

I showed you some shots from Ski Dubai that were more upclose. These show the outside a bit differently. Here you get to see the size of the place.

This is a shot going towards our new apartment (that we aren't in yet). We are only about 30 seconds from the Mall of the Emirates (where the permanent studios for "the Coast" are going to be) and Ski Dubai. In fact when we get in to the new place we will be able to walk to the ski hill!

After the beach on Friday (our sunday here) we went for a drive. We thought that we would see what was on the outskirts of the city and this is what we found....

and more desert...

What are we hoping to see again?

keep driving. Maybe there is more out here than just sand.

Nope, just more desert.

Maybe we should ask Sheikh Zayed himself what is out here. This is his road and his picture is all over it. Perhaps he could direct us out of the desert and back to civilization?

Don't forget a bottle of water if you are heading out this way... Just in case.

Some "tiny" beach houses

This is just an example of some of the houses in Dubai. There are full subdivisions of houses like this. In fact, most of the subdivisions have houses just like these and even bigger again. Who cleans these things? Everyone of them has a tall wall around it no matter where it is. These are some that were around the beach area that we were on the other day.
Let me know which is your favorite!

Sun, Sand and Surf

One of the highlights of living in the Middle East is the beach! Here are some shots from the beachess days that I have had since arriving in Dubai.

This is the Oasis Beach Hotel. It was a holiday and a beautiful day so everyone was out catching some rays.

My first camel sighting was on the beach! Tourist camel rides along the beach... how fun. I would want to make sure that I was riding with more than just my swim suit on though!
The people in the foreground look like they are thinking that I am taking their picture and they weren't ready yet!

This is the view of the hotel from the chairs that we were sitting in. It is a huge place, just like all the rest of them I guess. There was beach area, then a grassy area, then the pool deck then, up to the hotel. A huge buffet running alongside the beach, a giant swim up bar, volleyball court, tennis courts, play area and jungle gym for the kids, badminton, 3 regular bars and another restaurant to use while we were there. It was all about the sun and surf for me though.

Here in the distance you can see the Jumiera Beach Residences. There were other shots of them earlier in the blog. An enormous housing project that is going to fill this beach with even more sun goddesses when they open it up. Perhaps another 16,000 or so!

Love the sunshine!

The Camels are all dressed up for their rides. I wonder if they like strolling the beach all day long?

Here we are in front of or rather to the side of the Burj Al Arab. The only 6 star hotel in the world. You could see the marina that they have for the guests of the hotel and the owners of the boats that go in and out of the "World" development down the beach a bit. We saw a helicopter fly in and out of there while we were watching the passersby.

It's hard to believe that you are sitting there looking at her sometimes. It seems surreal to see her everyday just sitting there in all her glory after looking at so many pictures on the web. Someday I might not be awed by the site but, today is not that day. She reminds me of the amazing potential in all of us.

Here is what the rest of the beach looks like. The "public" parts of the beach are different to the other side where the hotels are. The water is the same but, the crowds are very different.

After Kenny finishes work we have been exploring. This is our new favorite beach to spend time on. It's called 4X4 beach because you can drive right up to the sea and park, throw the beach chairs in the sand, grab the BBQ and spend the day relaxing. Make sure that you bring an umbrella though... it's hot!
We were out there and watched the kite surfers having a blast. There were 30 or 40 people out there trying their hand at this new sport. Here you need a permit to even attempt to learn. It does look like fun though.

New beach chairs, lots of sun and a good book, what could be better? Perhaps telling the man that is doing the prayers from the Mosque behind me to keep it down! How long is the prayer session anyway? Could you sing a little softer the entire neighborhood couldn't hear you, Oh wait that is the idea... the entire neighborhood is supposed to hear this!
I think that the first prayer session is supposed to start at 4 something am. I am so glad they don't do that around our house in the wee early hours.
Even the singing from the mosque in a language that we don't understand didn't deter us from cooking like the turkeys that we are!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dubai Days

Here is Kenny in action in the new studio at the Coast. He isn't on the air until Sunday but, he was getting used to the equipment. He is ready to be the ONLY US presenter in all of the United Arab Emirates.

Dragon Mart! The only shopping place that is close to the house that we are in currently. It is the largest dragon shaped facility in the world and is home for all that China has to offer the world.

You cannot believe the size of this place. Wear good shoes when you come to have a look. Jason came to join us to see what deals we might find. Here is the giant wooden statue that is a must in everyone's household.

Rows and rows. Side streets and little corners. Full of everything-- I have never seen such a collection of crazy goods in all my life. You can get children's toys and clothing, full fire gear (suits and everything), mini motorcycles, saw blades 12 ft high, bedding, furniture, clothing, jewelry, lighting, ceiling tiles and house wears, massage chairs, generators, food stuff, hair dryers, irons, electronics, the list goes on and on! Everything under one roof if you have the stamina to find it!

Irish Village and the Tennis Center. We don't have a liquor license so in order to get an adult beverage you must go out. This is one of the hot spots here during nice cool days. It is at the base of the Tennis Stadium.

We sat on the grass and enjoyed a nice cold beer.

Jason had a craving for a Guiness. He quite enjoyed it!

Dubai Days.... this place isn't so bad and it's not freezing like it is at home. Glorious sunshine!

The Dubai Zoo needs a bit of a revamping. The animals are getting a new home in Dubailand when it is finished.
Here was our favorite inmate. A baby giraffe.

Lots more to show you next update.....

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Driving around Dubai

I am amazed at all that is going on here everyday. There are buildings and new residential areas, new malls and then there is Dubailand that is going to be the largest theme park in the world! I think that they have "Little Country Syndrome"! Everything is bigger and better here than everywhere else.
Here are some of the shots that I have taken in the last couple days driving around.

Some of the construction around the Marina area.

Everyone's favorite for pub food around the world....

The Hard Rock Dubai!

There is construction like this EVERYWHERE!

This is a new hotel that they are building on the beach.

This is the Jumeira Beach Residences. It is opening it's doors in a few months time to over 36,000 new residents! Imagine having 36,000 new neighbors!

We headed down into the heart of the business section of Dubai. You can see the new monorail system going in on the right side of the picture. I hope that it helps traffic-- it is Friday (which is the equivalent of our Sunday) and the traffic is still super heavy.

Here she is... the Burj Al Arab. The tallest building in the World. They are about half way to the top now.

Part of the Dubai skyline. It is like something out of Blade Runner.

Emirates Towers

Going over one of the only 3 ways of getting across Dubai Creek. Another traffic headache from what I understand. It is a really large body of water to be called a "creek" to me but, hey, I am not a Sheik so I can't call the shots!

This is the the Dubai Creek Golf Club and Marina/ Hyatt Hotel.... gotta get out and play that. The grass is so green for the middle of the desert. Everywhere there is grass there are people sitting on it! Right in the middle of the highway... grassy patch= people having a nap in the shade of a tree. How they can get in a siesta with all the cars roaring by I do not know... but, it does look nice when everything else is brown and dry.

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