Here are some of the sites that we have seen this last week...
This is a great shot of the Burj Al Arab from Jumeira Beach Road.
Next door to the Burj is Wild Wadi! This is the water park. Dubai's Wet & Wild. We will be making a trip there in the near future for sure!
This is the Jumeira Beach Resort
"the wave"
Jumeira Mosque. These buildings are absolutely beautiful. I am hoping to take a tour soon and see the inside of one.
Perhaps when there is no singing going on... it's a bit loud and I have no idea what they are saying.
Inside the Za'abeel Park is a maze. This is the "sun" in the center of the maze. There are many city parks and they are all really lovely. There is a small fee to get in... 2 Durhams each which equals out to about $.70 US a piece to spend the day inside and have a stroll around on the grass, perhaps play some cricket or soccer with friends, have a BBQ or a nap under a shady tree.
Please ignore the outfit I have on. I was going for the every color under the sun look that day!
Sitting in the park looking at the skyline at sunset was really nice.
We sat and watched these guys play some cricket. I am still a bit fuzzy about the rules but, when someone actually catches the ball, everyone cheers and the ball gets thrown in the air. That must mean something good has happened. What I am not sure. I'll have to get back to you on that one!
"Wish I was playing. I could show them the way Sammy Sosa would play this game!"
"Am I the only one with their shoulders showing? Am I the only one in a jean skirt? Am I the only one who knows nothing about fashion?" Yes, yes and yes!
Madinat Jumeira. I wish that I had some pictures to show you from the other side of this hotel and shopping mall. It has boats that take you from the Jumeira Beach Resort (the wave one), past the Burj to this one. It is a whole canal system that is set up to travel between the 3 resorts. There is all kinds of shopping, restaurants and bars inside. One that we went to is called the "Noodle House". Very Yummy.
I showed you some shots from Ski Dubai that were more upclose. These show the outside a bit differently. Here you get to see the size of the place.
This is a shot going towards our new apartment (that we aren't in yet). We are only about 30 seconds from the Mall of the Emirates (where the permanent studios for "the Coast" are going to be) and Ski Dubai. In fact when we get in to the new place we will be able to walk to the ski hill!
After the beach on Friday (our sunday here) we went for a drive. We thought that we would see what was on the outskirts of the city and this is what we found....
and more desert...
What are we hoping to see again?
keep driving. Maybe there is more out here than just sand.
Nope, just more desert.
Maybe we should ask Sheikh Zayed himself what is out here. This is his road and his picture is all over it. Perhaps he could direct us out of the desert and back to civilization?
Don't forget a bottle of water if you are heading out this way... Just in case.
Love the pictures. I remember when you used to dress like that(you dressed youself) at nursery school!! Nothing matched, but you thought it was wonderful. It's nice to see somethings never change! B.J. and I oh yah, and Dixie say Hi!!!!
Keep taking the pictures!!!!
I can hardly wait to see what is new with you guys! The pictures are fabulous and the beach looks perfect. The desert, not so much!You wouldn't want to get off the beaten path or have to evacuate the City very often! Somehow i don't think one bottle of water would be sufficent to survive and don't tick off the Sheik either, you know the one with the road named after him!!! It's not like he couldn't find you guys in a crowd especially with that cool get up Erica! Just kidding sweetie! You look good in anyhing you put on.Say Hi to Kenny but I think he could use a new cap!
Love to you both
Aunt Bon
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