Kenny, ready with the with his first piece of nori.
How hard can this be???
No cooking experiment is complete without the bottle of wine nearby! The most important ingredient to my cooking!
Everything tastes better after a few glasses.
Wow this is messy. There is food everywhere in here. Glad that I have a big kitchen.
Rollin' rollin' rollin' get that california rollin'
Hey these look almost good enough to eat!
Chef Jones hard at work.
I even tried my hand at it. I have had some experience rolling things... sandwiches of course!
The finished product.
Who's gonna eat all of this?
Hmmm... which should I use?
Am I going for the full authentic experience or do I use the good ol' North American style of cuisine. I know what's even easier.... my fingers!
Wasabi in a tube. No choice, the man likes it spicy.
Wow! This is good.
What do you think?
Even The Fat Man wants some. Burtie is a real critic when it comes to food so it must have been a tasty meal for him to beg like a penguin. Wait, he does that at every meal we have.
What are you looking at... It's just me stuffing my face!
Who's coming over the next sushi night in?
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