May I introduce the newest member of our family.... Ravi the One Eyed Crazy Lunatic!
We adopted her from Feline Friends. Our newest family member was living the street life until a wonderful lady found her outside Ravi's Restaurant in an area of town called Satwa.
Kenny and I were looking for a friend for Burtie and fell in love with her immediately.

Here's our little rescue cat cuddled up with Kenny on the first day of her stay in her new home.

It didn't take her long to make herself at home. She's got to be as close to you as she can get.

Her new favorite place to sleep.... all over us!

Not easy to get her to sit still long. Very busy little thing.

Loves Krispy Kreme Donuts we discovered after leaving her alone to break into the air tight container they were in and eat 3 of them! You would never know it by her girlish figure.

Action Jackson! So quick that I can't even get her in the shot!

She's a fetcher as well. Burtie used to play this game for hours. Now she does it. She makes the funniest noise when the ball is in her mouth and will drop it right back in your hand so that you'll throw it again.... too smart this cat!

There is a bit of a size difference between her and her big brother. He's quite fond of shoving her around and showing who's boss in the house when he's ready to play. She thinks he's great and talks to him all the time. I wonder what they're saying here... probably when are those tall animals going to give us our food?

Our little Ravi girl.
welcome to the family Ravi. You have some great parents. Be nice to Burtie as he is a bit of a chicken. Don't worry if he hides under the bed for a few days he'll come around. He's a sweet boy and your a very pretty girl and so smart. By the way I love Krispy Cream donuts toooooo. Way to go with the opening of the air tight container. Give your Mom a big hug for me!
Miss you all!
Love Mom
p.s. lots of lipstick kisses for both my grandkids with fur!!
That cat is a bit unique for lack of a better word! Actually I was thinking visually challenged!!!Good for you two taking her in!I'll bet Burtie's nose is a bit out of joint!and if Ravi keeps eating the donuts there will be a race to the scales between them! Good luck with that!!!
Aunt B
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