Saturday, February 7, 2009

Visit with the Canucks

On the other side of the Detroit River, Erica spent some time with her Canadian counterparts.

The weather had turned warm enough to head outdoors (YEAH!!! About time!) so Dana and Jody brought the kids by for some well needed out of doors activities.

Can't have a party without some treats!
Here's Willie Jo Double O with his popsicle...

Hanging out with the girls

The whole gang
Notice Parker's popsicle is already gone... he made quick work of it!
The other kids didn't even have the wrappers off of theirs and his had disappeared!

Yummy... creamsicle

Blue's my favorite too Avery!

Mom and I made aprons for Parker and Brookes' birthday party for all the kids they had invited.
The girls were the premier models for the Sew Personal kids apron launch (in the backyard, in their rubber boots!) High fashion hits the backyards of Windsor!

We found out how happy they were about the pay we offered our top models

Is it true if you get hit in the back of the head while you do this, your face stays this way?

That's crazy talk!

Dana and I catching some much needed rays of sunshine.

Dana keeping a close watch on the kids,
that is if she can see over that belly!
4 kids running amok, 2 Moms chasing after them, 2 grandparents giving the kids whatever they want, and an aunt thinking that she can wait a little longer for kids of her own!
A huge thank you to the O'Neils and the Josephs for visiting me at the Millson household.

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